How do you determine if a diamond or sauce has been treated in any way?

Some diamonds are sold in a spicy extract with a high terpene content, which is normally referred to as “diamonds” or “diamond sauce”, while others are sold only as diamonds without sauce, called “THCa diamonds”. While diamonds pass the test of a pen and have a rainbow sheen, white sapphire doesn't pass and has a white and silver sheen.

How do you determine if a diamond or sauce has been treated in any way?

Some diamonds are sold in a spicy extract with a high terpene content, which is normally referred to as “diamonds” or “diamond sauce”, while others are sold only as diamonds without sauce, called “THCa diamonds”. While diamonds pass the test of a pen and have a rainbow sheen, white sapphire doesn't pass and has a white and silver sheen. Most operators don't spend time growing diamonds, separating terpenes, melting them into liquid, and then formulating a vaping cart with the real terpenes from the original extract. It's also important to remember that these are living diamonds and sauce, which has a more notable symbiotic relationship between cannabinoids and terpenes.

Here's a brief summary of everything you need to know about THC-containing diamonds and how to enjoy them. Note the lack of depth and the “plastic reflection” of cubic zirconia (left) versus the multitonal tones and the sharp reflection of the diamond (right). A laboratory diamond is generally analyzed like diamond in a pen because it is pure carbon, just like mined diamonds. Wax diamonds are made from freshly harvested and deep-frozen cannabis to help preserve the integrity of cannabinoids, terpenes and trichomes.

As a result, some laboratory diamonds (especially HPHT) can be analyzed as moissanite in a diamond analyzer and require further testing. Technically, diamonds can be made with almost any cannabinoid, but the most popular are THC and CBD. The other 1-3% of a diamond with THC are terpenes and other cannabinoids, making these diamonds the most potent and pure extract product on the market. THC diamonds are premium quality cannabis concentrates that are obtained when live resin is extracted from cannabis using a cold extraction method and pressed until THC crystals, or diamonds, form.

The portability of the diamonds and the cartridge-shaped sauce completely eliminates the need for drilling equipment. Genuine diamonds are tested like diamonds in thermal conductivity meters and most have microscopic laser inscriptions.

Audrey Etherington
Audrey Etherington

Wannabe beer evangelist. Amateur travelaholic. Amateur twitter trailblazer. Proud music fan. Freelance twitter enthusiast.

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