What is the difference between diamonds and sauce?

For those who don't know what “diamonds and sauce” refer to, diamonds are simply crystallized THCa, while “sauce” are all the terpenes and flavonoids that are preserved during extraction and purging processes. The cannabis product known as Diamonds sauce & doesn't look very attractive.

What is the difference between diamonds and sauce?

For those who don't know what “diamonds and sauce” refer to, diamonds are simply crystallized THCa, while “sauce” are all the terpenes and flavonoids that are preserved during extraction and purging processes. The cannabis product known as Diamonds sauce & doesn't look very attractive. Just as chemical variables interfere with the crystallization of sugar to create molasses, terpenes and other intrusive compounds interrupt the crystallization of THCA to varying degrees, affecting the structure of the diamond. Ideally, diamond mining should result in two separate products: pure crystalline THCA diamonds and terpene sauce containing more than 50% terpenes, as well as all other extracted cannabinoids.

In some cases, CBD and THCA crystals can be mixed with a terpene “sauce” that has a liquid texture to create a spicy diamond soup. Like any cannabis concentrate, CBD and THCA diamonds can be smoked or vaped to alleviate various conditions and symptoms, such as chronic pain, anxiety, nausea, inflammation, and more. First you'll load your diamond and some terpene sauce into a tool and place it in a preheated quartz pump. Subsequent processing can also separate diamonds from THCA and refine them to obtain crystalline THCA, a powdered concentrate composed almost exclusively of cannabinoid acid.

Diamonds are another term for the crystalline structures that form in sauce, a cannabis concentrate with high levels of terpenes and a liquid texture. The unique terpene profiles that depend on the variety of cannabis used can alter the size and composition of diamonds created in an unrefined cannabis extract. Since CBD and THC diamonds offer consumers the greatest potency of all cannabis concentrates and require a certain production method, their price may exceed that of other concentrated products. Here's a brief summary of everything you need to know about THC-containing diamonds and how to enjoy them.

The temperature, humidity, chemical impurities and solvents used in the extraction process can influence the size and shape of diamonds. Cannabis diamonds can also refer to the crystalline structures that remain after removing terp sauce from the initial sauce mix. I removed a single diamond from the viscous substance with a small metal tool designed for this specific purpose and loaded it into my rig, heated it with a torch and threw it twice. I bought a Diamonds & Sauce from the Proper Cannabis brand from the N'Bliss branch in Manchester (1266 Old Orchard Center, Manchester; 314-627-249), and opted for the Ecto Cooler variety because I love nostalgia.

Some diamonds are sold in a spicy extract with a high terpene content, which is normally referred to as “diamonds” or “diamond sauce”, while others are sold only as diamonds without sauce, called “THCa diamonds”. Since marijuana diamonds contain almost 100% cannabinoids, there are usually no terpenes in the product, which produces an odourless and tasteless concentrate.

Audrey Etherington
Audrey Etherington

Wannabe beer evangelist. Amateur travelaholic. Amateur twitter trailblazer. Proud music fan. Freelance twitter enthusiast.

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