How do you grade diamonds and sauce?

Processed in a closed-circuit BHO extractor, the sauce usually consists of THC crystals suspended in a spicy mixture rich in terpenes. Some see it as a deconstruction.

How do you grade diamonds and sauce?

Processed in a closed-circuit BHO extractor, the sauce usually consists of THC crystals suspended in a spicy mixture rich in terpenes. Some see it as a deconstruction. Our Diamonds and Sauce go beyond what you've experienced so far with CBD extracts. Unreal looking diamonds, united by a distilled sauce rich in terpenes.

Diamonds are interesting because they're actually made of another type of concentrate called sauce. Known for its liquid and shiny appearance, the sauce is created through a closed-cycle process that adds solvent to cannabis and then removes it to obtain a solution (or a concentrate). Then, the sauce concentrate undergoes another process, also called diamond extraction, in which heat and pressure create crystalline structures called diamonds. Cannabis diamonds are one of the most popular items on dispensary shelves today.

As high-power isolates, these crystalline forms can provide users with up to 99.9% THCA or CBD. Marijuana diamonds have become a staple in cannabis cultivation. CBD and THCA diamonds are created through multiple different processes, the most typical of which is oversaturation. Like other concentrates, these crystalline structures begin as biomass that undergoes a chemical extraction process.

Most users consume diamonds on a spray platform by heating the nail with a butane torch and applying a “pinch of diamonds” inside the heated nail to vaporize it. When the desired purity is reached, the evaporable solution is heated and purged, leaving pure CBD diamonds. CBD and THCA diamonds are available at several retail outlets, including licensed medical and recreational dispensaries and online retailers. Regardless of how they're sold, diamonds will always be somewhat pure THCA products, whether they come with terpene sauce or are sold alone as isolated THCA.

As the name suggests, THCA diamonds appear as solid crystalline structures that are semitransparent and, well, look like diamonds. In some cases, CBD and THCA crystals can be mixed with a terpene “sauce” that has a liquid texture to create a spicy diamond soup. With most concentrates, there is a huge difference between diamonds from the gray market and those from the legal market: products from the traditional market do not undergo the same arduous process to remove impurities. Since CBD and THC diamonds offer consumers the greatest potency of all cannabis concentrates and require a certain production method, their price may exceed that of other concentrated products.

Processors can store their cannabinoid diamonds in a container in a cool, dry and dark place and allow the diamond formation process to begin. Heating diamonds by smoking or vaporizing them is the best way to enjoy the full potential of diamonds and their fast-acting effects. Like any cannabis concentrate, CBD and THCA diamonds can be smoked or vaped to alleviate various conditions and symptoms, such as chronic pain, anxiety, nausea, inflammation, and more. Since marijuana diamonds contain almost 100% cannabinoids, there are usually no terpenes in the product, which produces an odourless and tasteless concentrate.

Audrey Etherington
Audrey Etherington

Wannabe beer evangelist. Amateur travelaholic. Amateur twitter trailblazer. Proud music fan. Freelance twitter enthusiast.

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