How should you store diamonds and sauce?

You should plan to store diamonds in an airtight container away from exposure to light, and they will easily last up to six months without losing potency. If you want to keep things safe and secure for a while longer, glass is the way to go.

How should you store diamonds and sauce?

You should plan to store diamonds in an airtight container away from exposure to light, and they will easily last up to six months without losing potency. If you want to keep things safe and secure for a while longer, glass is the way to go. As we mentioned before, you'll want an airtight, proportional container, which you'll keep in a cool, dry place. Before you put the wax there, divide it into smaller pieces and wrap them in parchment paper.

Once you've wrapped the pieces, stick them in a resealable food-grade plastic bag. From there, you can finally put your concentrate in the glass container. The best storage place is inside an airtight container and in a drawer, fridge, or even in the freezer. However, be careful when storing it in the freezer, as if there is too much moisture in the container, the moisture could persist.

To counter this, it's a good idea to vacuum seal the product or, at least, place the airtight container in a resealable bag. Cannabis diamonds are a form of cannabis concentrate that you can smoke or vape. As the name suggests, THCA diamonds appear as solid crystalline structures that are semitransparent and, well, look like diamonds. Diamonds are interesting because they're actually made of another type of concentrate called sauce.

Known for its liquid and shiny appearance, the sauce is created through a closed-cycle process that adds solvent to the cannabis and then removes it to obtain a solution (or a concentrate). Then, the sauce concentrate undergoes another process, also called diamond extraction, in which heat and pressure create crystalline structures called diamonds. For this reason, live resin (and other forms of grass) is a product that should be stored in cool and dark places. With most concentrates, there is a huge difference between diamonds from the gray market and those from the legal market: products from the traditional market do not undergo the same arduous process to remove impurities.

Audrey Etherington
Audrey Etherington

Wannabe beer evangelist. Amateur travelaholic. Amateur twitter trailblazer. Proud music fan. Freelance twitter enthusiast.

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